Friday, August 16, 2013

Clara's on Woven Room Rugs!

My artwork is now available on Woven Room Rugs!  Currently available only thru Deny Designs, these woven rugs are a sturdy polyester jacquard fabric and right now only in sizes 2x3 and 4x6  (larger sizes will be coming!)......check em out!!
Lemon Spongecake Sheep on Merlot Woven Room Rug


  1. Holy wow, too cool! The example with the sheep is seriously amazing. These would totally make a room. It would be cool if people sent a photo with the rug at their house! :D

  2. HI Cindy.....Been collecting pictures customers send me......its really neat to actually see your art in folk's room.....

  3. That is way cool. It's fun to see your art so big.
